Tesseract Studios Painting Workshop

Hosted by Rising Ape

Welcoming Tesseract Miniature Painting Studios

Thank you for considering attending, it is my pleasure to announce a one day painting workshop with Tesseract Miniature painting Studios’ head honcho Stuart Waddicolour aka ThatMrShy aka Stu! with another painting workshop in Hursley, nr Winchester UK

This time the topic is Painting Foundations.. Yup I’m nervous too!

My whole thing as a creator and a hobbyist is enabling people to become a bigger part of this incredible hobby of ours so if I can help with anything in the run up to or after your booking just get in touch either via my discord https://discord.gg/8hwDN6gawB or via email on rising.ape.minis@gmail.com  thanks James.

Course Information

Sep 14th 2024

Saturday 10am until 6pm

During the course of the workshop we will cover

  • Colour choice and basecoating
  • Painting techniques, glazing, stippling etc.
  • Finishing a model (Refining)
  • Weathering and embellishments


Venue: Hursely, nr Winchester, UK  https://www.hursleyclub.org/

Ticket Cost: £77 per person

To confirm your place payment must be made in Full 



The briefing for the weekend is as follows

There will be more details to follow but for now what you need to know is that this is a hobby fundamentals workshop, (I am outside my comfort zone here too so you wont be alone if you haven’t had a crack at this yet.)

-This is a “Brush Only” Painting Workshop.



Display Standard 28mm piece, by Enviro Games

What you need to bring

We want you to have an incredible weekend and will be in touch before the date to confirm exact requirements but for now we are expecting you to bring the basics needed to paint your minis successfully, and comfortably. -This is a “Brush Only” Workshop.

I will supply a model to paint, from the incredible Cobra Mode, a warm comfortable venue and logistics. Your painting area will be approximately 1.5m2 and there is free parking onsite.

Please bring extension 4 socket extension leads a painting lamp and any painting accessories that you wish to use through the day, paints / palettes etc. Contrast Paints, Inks or similar products are recommended for the workshop, but don’t worry if you don’t own/can’t bring them: we’ll have a shared pool during the course and part of the topic is precisely what to use as an alternative!  What to bring with you:




-A small selection of your favourite paints and colours: we want basic, saturated hues that we can easily mix for the foundational work.


-Pen and paper for notes!


-Specific strange colours/paints/handles/mediums/tools/accessories/snacks/talismans… Everything you need to be comfortable and functional!

– Your models for suggestions/review/tips/well deserved bragging!

You can use the Facebook page as reference for news and updates and we’ll have a dedicated Discord channel to break the ice before the event, stay in touch and organise all the little details.

Check the email (Spam folder too, just in case) you used to buy the ticket to find the link!


YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@TesseractMinis


KOFI: https://ko-fi.com/thatmrshy

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/risingapeminis

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tesseractminis


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/njm_marcofrisoni



Join the discord server to chat about the class!

more of Stu’s work

Display Standard bust, by Eastman

Display Standard large mini, by Corvus Belli

32mm Display Standard, by Wyrd Games

Avatar 1.png


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